It's tough to ask for help! We know that... Most societies are now (unintentionally) promoting to NOT ask for help. Being able to fix everything by yourself is seen a strength and a virtue. But we believe that it should be OK to ask for help! We all need help sometimes and we should be able to ask for it without feeling ashamed 🙂
We're sure you have some skills and time you want to share! You can offer your help around you and online.
You can also just launch a discussion in Tiramisu! Feeling like sharing a suggestion? A story? Or just something you were proud of? Feel free to do it in the "Feed" section.
Anything can be shared in Tiramisu! It just need to be
So you can for example propose to teach or ask someone to teach you computer skills, a language, baking... or help them or ask them to fix something in their house...